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The Delphoi Program

Am I getting the fair share of the pie?

Am I doing things that guests want and not what I think they will like?
In order to answer this question, we need data from reliable sources, and we need to examine an adequate length of time and carefully selected competitors. The Delphi Business Support system makes it all possible for us to do that. It is easy to operate and use the system, and clear and easy to understand reports as well without risking any confidental data or information to be published.

The system is able to show us the current situation on the market and its direction, the results of our operation and our real attractiveness!
Our goal is to help the hospitality industry on a higher, conscious level. That is way we made the restaurant Delphoi support system.

The system does not require more than 5 minutes on a daily use and allows you to:

• To follow the evolution of his restaurant compared to the market, and be able to take actions -in case of underperforming- before it causes irreversible financial difficulties
• To know the exactly how much profit he’s manged to make from the market and to know if there is any more potential to aim for.
• To be sure how attractive his restaurant and its services are int he market or what changed he needs to make in order to provide a more competent business
• To compare other restaurants in the city, country or abroad as well
• And many many more…

Delphoi is a closed system, only registered users have access to it! There is a forum within the system, which you may use to communicate without the involvement of unauthorized persons.

How it works

The Delphoi Restaurant Support System for restaurants summarizes the data what has been uploaded by the restaurant manager on a daily basis and compare it to the rival restaurants what has been selected by the restaurant manager.

The user is able to change the composition of the competitors, so the operation can be evaluated in another market enviroment.

Every restaurant manager is able to build three competitive lists, The first two is allows you to compare ourselves within our own country and city the third competitive list is to see other countries and their potential.

Benchmarking with Delphoi in the hospitality today

Benchmarking is an analysis process, which compares the results of our business to others within the same industry. The aim is to improve performance. Until now, this process has been very complicated and expensive, therefore small companies couldn’t even afford it at all or or they didn’t even have access to it. However, everybody wanted to know how his or her restaurant was compared to the others in order to decide which direction the business should take. They wanted to know how many guests they had, how high the level of service was, what the quality of food was like, what prices they offered and so on. So we went to our competitors to try their meals and evaluate their sevices. But these were only snapshots from their operation, therefore it may have given us wrong conclusions and results as well. We neither had the chance to see our real values among the competitors or in the market, nor to see if we managed to attract enough guests with our services and menus.

Please fill out the form for registration                                 Detailes of establishment

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         Name of establishment:
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ZIP code:
Phone number:
E-mail address:
I have read, understood and accepted terms and condition of using of Delphoi Currency:
