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Human Capital Development

What if your waiter would tell you that if "we sell a cup of coffee to every guest for 2 dollars we would make 8000 dollars extra every month... and this would mean 800 dollars extra tip for the waiter team..." BUT… this would mean 96.000 dollars extra revenue annually for your company! Only on coffee... It would definitely be flabbergasting /an eyebrow lifting moment! Well, the truth is, that this is almost as simple as it sounds! The key is to achieve, this type of mentality throughout the entire operation, from the back of house to Managers.
And they all play a major role in such an operation which was mentioned above.

Our program is effective because it is being built on (a) basic human nature which is the will of becoming more by achieving something I have never done before.
To make them able to clearly know which direction we are going, with whom, why and how!

In a Taylor type organization the Managers are able to see the current state of the business. They clearly understand the next destination, and they are capable to plan the way to get there. They are able to select and distribute the right responsibilities to every member of the operation. And by not just distribute, but to individually MOTIVATE them, they are able to lead the team to the target that has been set previously!

And repeat the process multiply times again and again!

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